The essentials for our TryItOut Event March 22, 2025

Soft shoes, no hard outside shoes or boots, and, heaven help us, no stilettos. Sneakers/trainers OK to start with.

Bring water bottle

Sensible comfortable clothes to move in

In SCD we start and finish on time

Tickets free but required via Humanitix See Home page for QR code.

Prep work: Please have a look at the Getting Started and Basic Figures pages. Absolutely no knowledge is assumed at this event but it really helps to have a teeny head start.

Time 2 pm start but we usually arrive 15-20 minutes earlier to change shoes/wash hands and join in the walk around the hall to loosen up. Music on from 1.50 pm, class starts 2pm. Duration 90 minutes.

Where? BDSAC Hall, 13A Fordham Avenue Camberwell, right next to Willison Station (outbound side) and a nice little stroll from the 70 Tram on Riversdale Rd.

BDSAC Hall outside entrance