New Dancers Courses 2025
The best way to start SCD is with a course for New Dancers and ours is starting March 29, 2025 at BDSAC Hall, Camberwell, 2pm.
Seven Saturdays. The last class is a social dance for friends and family with both audience participation and ‘class only’ dances on the program. We will include the dances we have learnt in the course and dance some easy dances with our guests.
First class 29 March 2025, last class 17 May 2025. Easter 19 April and no class. Hoppity hop.
We will cover the most important settings and the five simple steps that are the building blocks for SCD, learn some of the famous dances and generally have a good time. And meet some new people. And get much fitter too.
Not sure if it’s for you? Have a look at the Basics and Getting Started pages on this site.
You may just end up part of the clan!
Cost $120; $90 concession
Please use the Contact Page to get more information.
Subscribe to get the dates for the next course in the second half of 2025.